Empower Yourself!

When anxious, your body can set you up for feelings of weakness and depression. These poses are great tools to help gain your power back. You can use these poses to tap into your own inner strength and confidence, much of what gets lost in the midst of anxiety.
Practice these poses daily. Bring a smile to your face as you find that inner strength that is always there inside you! You just have to tap into it. Find it and feel it. When you start to feel this energy of power within you, you can start to feel emotionally grounded.
To build inner strength, feel the body getting stronger while in these poses. Stretch the fingers towards the front of the mat (Warrior), or up towards the ceiling (Goddess). Keep the energy flowing in your fingers while relaxing the shoulders down your back. Allow your mind to focus on finding the balance between these two separate spots. With practice, you will feel your inner strength and confidence build, which will help you as more difficult situations come into your life.
Practice these poses daily. Bring a smile to your face as you find that inner strength that is always there inside you! You just have to tap into it. Find it and feel it. When you start to feel this energy of power within you, you can start to feel emotionally grounded.
To build inner strength, feel the body getting stronger while in these poses. Stretch the fingers towards the front of the mat (Warrior), or up towards the ceiling (Goddess). Keep the energy flowing in your fingers while relaxing the shoulders down your back. Allow your mind to focus on finding the balance between these two separate spots. With practice, you will feel your inner strength and confidence build, which will help you as more difficult situations come into your life.
Warrior 2 Pose:
This pose is very empowering. The idea here is to feel the strength and power in your arms, hands and fingertips, as well as the power in your legs, while keeping the shoulders relaxed down the back. Feel the energy in the palms and bring focus to them. Feel your inner strength within. While in this pose tell yourself, "I am worthy", and "I am strong". Tell yourself, "I can feel my self-confidence build", and "I am in control of my thoughts". Repeat daily. |
Goddess Pose:
Similar to Warrior 2 pose where you want to feel the energy and strength in your hands, while relaxing the shoulders down your back. Take a wide stance, as to protect the knees, and feet are at a 45 degree angle. Inhale the arms up over your head, and as you exhale drop the arms and legs into position, keeping the elbows parallel to the floor. Open up the chest and press the body towards the floor. Press the knees back and relax the shoulders. Feel the energy in the fingers and hands as you stretch the fingers as if you want them to touch the ceiling. Breathe and feel the energy flow thru your body. Say to yourself , "I am strong", I am worthy", "I can feel the confidence flow thru my body". Repeat daily. |