2.1 (G) Explanation of Exercises
Explanation of Exercises:
When we flow with the body and breath, we are adding an almost graceful movement, like dancing.
Studies have shown that dancing moves in ballet and other similar slow moving, graceful movements
can enhance our lives. This is not dancing, but mimics it with the natural flowing movement back and
forth. Allow yourself to really FEEL the body to get the full effect of connection within.
So, what I would like for you to take away from doing these easy movements is:
-to learn how to take time for yourself
-to learn how even the smallest of movements can make a big difference. (Sometimes the greatest
accomplishments for yourself, can be found in the smallest of ideas. It doesn’t take much to make a
-to learn to focus in on something. A deep focus, where the only thing that matters is what you are
focusing on.
-these exercises can be helpful for those who are having trouble getting to sleep at night. The slow,
flowing movements can be beneficial for relaxing the body enough, to get to sleep.
When you really feel your body, you are bringing your undivided attention towards
something good, that isn’t a fear, and also feels good. The mind can then be opened up to realize their may
be more important things than all that negativity. There are other things in the world to think about.
We can be more peaceful, and relaxed. We can be grateful and accepting. We can love ourselves and
others around us. We can be who we want to be in this world, and in this life.
When we flow with the body and breath, we are adding an almost graceful movement, like dancing.
Studies have shown that dancing moves in ballet and other similar slow moving, graceful movements
can enhance our lives. This is not dancing, but mimics it with the natural flowing movement back and
forth. Allow yourself to really FEEL the body to get the full effect of connection within.
So, what I would like for you to take away from doing these easy movements is:
-to learn how to take time for yourself
-to learn how even the smallest of movements can make a big difference. (Sometimes the greatest
accomplishments for yourself, can be found in the smallest of ideas. It doesn’t take much to make a
-to learn to focus in on something. A deep focus, where the only thing that matters is what you are
focusing on.
-these exercises can be helpful for those who are having trouble getting to sleep at night. The slow,
flowing movements can be beneficial for relaxing the body enough, to get to sleep.
When you really feel your body, you are bringing your undivided attention towards
something good, that isn’t a fear, and also feels good. The mind can then be opened up to realize their may
be more important things than all that negativity. There are other things in the world to think about.
We can be more peaceful, and relaxed. We can be grateful and accepting. We can love ourselves and
others around us. We can be who we want to be in this world, and in this life.