2.3 (L) Detect Anxiety (Over Time)
How to Deflect Anxiety (Over Time):
1. Get more involved
2. Nature walks
3. Exercise
4. Eliminate stimulants
5. Smile and laugh
6. Start a hobby
7. Read
8. External stimulants
9. Designate dedicated time with out friends (game night, etc)
Get involved: Find a local group to get involved with. Some examples can be: reading group, get a job, volunteer at an organization, or take a class. In these times, you need to feel important, (which you are!), and you need to feel some self-confidence (which you have inside, you just have to tap into it). Being involved in the community allows you to feel connected to others, which is so important, since we feel so alone when we suffer from anxiety.
Nature walks: There is nothing more soothing than taking the time to be out in nature. Go for walks and make them a part of your daily routine. When you are out there, inhale in the beauty. If you are near the ocean, be sure you take a walk on the beach! Take time out for your lunch break to visit a nearby park to enjoy a picnic lunch under a tree. While you are there, listen to the sounds that surround you. Maybe you hear the birds, or water trickling down. Take in the serenity and beauty of all that surrounds you...and be grateful. Nature allows us to feel connected to the world that surrounds us.
Exercise: Taking the time to get some exercise, can be energizing and empowering! If you are looking for social experiences, join a gym, or yoga studio. You can also join a martial arts class, or adult sports team. Think of what YOU need. Maybe your life is full of social activities, and you need time for yourself. Then make it a point to go for a walk or a jog. Maybe you can take up running. Maybe you should dust off your bike and take a ride! Think about what will give YOU comfort. Tap into the needs of your body and mind.
Eliminate stimulants: (Caffeine, Smoking, Alcohol, Drugs) By eliminating stimulants, you are eliminating a HUGE part of anxiety producing material. When you are anxious, and you ADD something to your body that will increase your energy, it can only lead into trouble. You want to reduce any external stimulation to an already stimulated body. You will be amazed how good your body can feel after you allow yourself to let go of stimulants.
Smile and laugh: Feel the sensations that smiling can do for you. Laughter is healing! It's a proven fact that laughter IS the best medicine. Allow yourself to laugh more than a few times during the day. If you don't find opportunities to laugh...create them...OR just fake it! When you force or fake a smile on your face, your body doesn't know the difference between a "real" laugh and a "fake" one, so your body will still get all the great benefits that laughing can do for you! Benefits of laughter include: greater oxygen to the brain, more energy, more motivation, a positive state of mind, relief of stress, and strengthening the immune system.
Start a hobby: There is nothing more satisfying than taking on that hobby you have always wanted to do. Some ideas are: writing a book, take on seasonal crafts, build a garden, learn to ski, learn to sew, etc. The ideas are limitless! Sit with yourself and think about all the things you have wanted to try, and then get going! Remember the more active you keep your mind, the less likely it will have time to bother with anxious feelings.
External Stimulants: Eliminate TV shows / movies that are scary, or may increase fears. Replace with sit-coms, funny shows, or better yet, turn off the TV! When you are dealing with fears, the last thing you want to do is increase the ability to bring more fears into your life. You have enough on your plate, no reason to add additional factors.
Read: Read a book! Educate yourself on topics that interest you. Maybe pick up a book of crossword puzzles. Maybe pick up an adult coloring book to color. Again, this is focusing your mind and giving it the opportunity to be used in a creative form. When we don't have much to truly keep our brain active, it will create its own activity...like thoughts. Keep your brain active and focused on what you want it to be focused on. Create a list of ideas that you want to do, and start to do them.