2.3 (B) Affirmation Exercise
Affirmation Exercise:
Positive change needs a positive attitude. So, if we are to succeed, we need to first understand how our body will react to different affirmations. Begin by stating these words to yourself, and notice how they make you feel when you say them:
"I am worthy. I am healthy. I am safe. I am happy. I am fearless. I am proud of the person I’ve become."
Now, do you believe those words? Did you feel comfortable saying them? (And “No” is an ok answer right now. As a matter of fact, if you are someone who suffers from anxiety, “no”, is pretty much expected, and THAT’s OK!) Is it a subject your mind doesn’t want to explore? Or did you feel indifferent? Right now, just recognize how your body reacts.
So, depending on how you reacted to the statements above, would indicate how easy or difficult affirmations will be for you.
In order for affirmations to work in a positive way, you need to believe in yourself, and you need to REALLY MEAN the statements you are saying.
Just saying the sentences won't have the affect as MEANING them. So, close your eyes and picture a happy thought in your mind, bring a big smile to your face, and dig down deep inside yourself, and pull out the words, "I am happy". And notice the difference. It is in the true meaning of the statements that can make the biggest difference for you.
Let’s try another one. Close your eyes, and feel confidence within yourself, with a big smile on your face as you state, “I am worthy!" Notice the difference. FEELING the words as you state them will make a greater impact on your sub-conscious. Also, recognize that you will have an even better success with this when you state these sentences when the sub-conscious is listening a bit more. Typically, the best times to state an affirmation is when you first wake up, or as you are comfortable going to sleep. Meditation time is also a great time to benefit from affirmations.
Browse through this list of affirmations, and make note of the sentences that you wish to bring more into your life. State each one five times, on a regular basis, and write down how you may be improving in your journal...
Positive Affirmations:
1. I am smart.
2. I am a positive person.
3. I am a happy person.
4. My opinion matters.
5. I don’t care what others think about me.
6. I am safe.
7. I have the power to change.
8. I am worthy.
9. I am proud of my achievements.
10. I believe in myself.
11. I am organized.
12. I love who I am.
13. I am good enough.
14. I respect myself.
15. I can see good in all people.
16. I trust others.
17. I am respected by others.
18. I learn from mistakes.
19. I enjoy positivity.
20. I am strong.
21. I can achieve anything I set my mind to.
22. I accept who I am, inside and out.
23. The only person I need to please, is me.
24. I am successful.
25. I am unique.
26. I have great qualities.
27. I am capable of so much in life.
28. I am courageous.
29. I am joyful.
30.I enjoy finding peace within myself.
If there are ideas that you would like to add here, by all means! Just be sure that you keep it positive. Notice I didn't state: "I don't want anxiety any more." By stating the word "anxiety" in the sentence, you are bringing the word "anxiety" into your sub-conscious. In order to release from anxiety, we need to avoid using the term, so the mind isn't drawn to it. Keep positive statements, for the best results!