Welcome to Garden of Growth 200hr Yoga Teacher Training!!
If you live in the Naples, FL area, and are interested in becoming a Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga Teacher, you are in for a wonderful unique experience!
What sets our program apart from other programs is that we "get out of the studio, and get into nature", and in addition, we keep the class sizes small. Yoga was originally practiced out in nature, so I feel strongly that we allow ourselves to connect to nature, which brings a whole different level to the overall experience. The other unique aspect of this training is that the class sizes will always remain small. I feel students can get more out of a more personable experience, and the training can be attuned to the needs of the students. No student will attain their certification until both student and teacher are ready, so the end date is negotiable. If interested, and would like more information, or wish to apply for our next training, please contact Michelle directly at: [email protected] for application information. Contact us today!!! We are a 5 Star rated Yoga Alliance Certified Yoga School. Michelle is an Experienced Registered 200hr Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. Check out her pages on Yoga Alliance: YACEPPublicProfile, TeacherPublicProfile, SchoolPublicProfile |