As I was making breakfast one morning, I cracked open my egg only to find two yolks resting in my pan! How exciting, I thought! Yay! This has to mean good luck!! Looks like I’m gonna have a great day! So, keeping a positive mind, since NOTHING could possibly go wrong today, because I got the two headed yolk, I finished getting ready for church and headed out the door. I should preface by mentioning that my husband and I are Music Directors at our church. He plays the piano / keyboards and runs the musicians, and I run the singers. So, he had to leave, before me, to work with the other musician. I typically get there a little later to work with the singers. So, I get in my car with our two boys…and my car won’t start! “Seriously?” I said. Well, this must be a minor setback, since nothing else could possibly go wrong, because I got the two headed yolk! So, I called my husband who had to come all the way back from church to get me. So, when he got into his car at the church, he realized that he was VERY low on gas. So, before getting us, he stops off in fear of running out, putting us that much more behind schedule. We had people depending on us to be there, so timing was of the essence. So, he picks us up and drives us to church. We are late, so I figured I would concentrate on the one song of concern. As we gather our music together to practice it, my husband’s computer fails to play the background music for this, the one song my husband has to sing. (You see, on any song he sings, he will play a pre-recorded track, so he can concentrate on his singing, allowing him to only have to play minimally.) Well, the computer wouldn’t work, taking up even MORE time, but when it did, decided to do a backup. OHH MYYY! After running the other music while we waited, eventually, it came back on line, we were finally able to sing the song in question. But, for me, it was just something that I wanted to do first. You know when you just want things to be done in a certain way???? Anyhoo, after church, we had to go straight home and get ready for a benefit concert my husband and I were performing in that afternoon. All seemed well. We ate lunch and my husband was able to charge up my dead battery. I needed my car functioning. After our portion of the concert, my day wasn’t over as I had to run out to teach a yoga class, so I needed my car. We got to the concert, had our mic check, and met the other musicians. The concert began, we played our two songs, and I was happy that our portion ended sooner than expected, and I was able to stay to see the next act before having to leave. So, after that next act, I start to leave, and as I’m walking towards my car, I feel a loosening on my foot. Then gosh darn it, the sole of my shoe comes off! I mean COMPLETELY off! So, I end up walking the rest of the way to my car, hobbling, with one shoe missing its entire sole! So, I get in the car, contemplating the day…and I start to laugh. I mean REALLY laugh! I went back to that moment earlier in my mind about the two headed yolk. How I was SOOO happy that today was going to bring me such good luck! And look! Arrggh! I just shook my head and drove off. So, there I was, walking into yoga class, in my dress, with a one shoe with no sole, and my change of clothes in tow. Thinking all my possible bad luck had to be over by now, I start to change. I then realize, I’m wearing a strapless bra, and forgot to bring my other one to change into. Ok, so, have you ever tried to teach a yoga class in a strapless bra? To give you an idea...let me explain. As I told the students to inhale and raise their arms up over their heads, my arms would go up, and the bra would descend downwards. Oy vey! So, periodically during class I would say to the students, “Now close your eyes and really feel what going on inside your body”, and as they did, I would HOIST up my bra and its contents! It was an interesting class, to say the least! So, there was my “good luck day”, filled with pretty much crazy bad luck along the way. But you know what? I am VERY thankful for my day. Why?
There are many ways I could have looked at the days’ events. Probably 15 years ago, I would have cried instead of laughed in my car. I would have let all of those minor (and I say minor, cause they were) bad things of what happened radiate in my mind, and let them bother me and accumulate into huge monstrosities in my brain. The “what if’s” could have taken over and those negative thoughts could have accumulated more negativity and all of it would have stayed with me for at least a couple of days. So, in reality, my reality, that two headed yolk WAS good luck, because the day could have been MUCH MUCH worse...and I’m thankful… Thank you two headed yolk…thank you. Peace and “two headed yolks” to you all!
There are some days that we can feel overwhelmed. So, whether it be a stressful day at work, or hosting a function, or even dealing with a family member that you don’t see eye to eye with, we find these days can turn on additional sensations in our body. This, in conjunction with the mind letting loose on thoughts, (an example being what didn’t get accomplished during the day, or what you still need to do), can continue to spiral inside us as long as we allow it to. So what can we do? Allow awareness.. The first thing we should do, is the bring yourself aware to the situation. Allow yourself to understand that you are going through a difficult time. When we make ourselves aware, we allow the mind to connect with the part of us that we need to change. Breathe… A few simple minutes of breath work can start the process of letting go. Be sure that you take a nice slow breath, and exhale longer than your inhale, which kicks in the parasympathetic nervous system of the body to start the relaxation process. Try inhaling to a count of 4, and exhaling to a count of 6 or 7. Repeat several times, and while doing so, focus directly on the feeling of the air going in and out of the nostrils. Allow your shoulders to drop down your back and feel the relaxation resonate through your body… Let it go.. One of the most important things here, is to not hold on to the stress. As soon as the stress is over, let it be over. Start to relax the body and let it go. By holding on to the stress, you are burdening your body with something it doesn't need. Don't allow any additional thoughts on the matter, since the mind can become unleashed and will drag you down. Be good with the fact that the stress is gone now, and return to what is important...YOU. Take time for yourself… Sometimes we need to just separate ourselves from the situation at hand that is stressing us out. Find a quiet area or, even better, go for a walk! Allow yourself time to let go of all the days’ stressors and focus on what is going on right now. Maybe you are sitting on your front porch sipping some tea, or in your room listening to some calming music. Maybe you are taking a soothing bath, taking a walk around the block, or outside reading your latest book. The images I just portrayed CAN be yours if you allow for it. We have choices, and in order for changes to occur we need to MAKE time for them. We all have these days. TRUST ME! But with all difficult days…they eventually pass. So, after you get home from that stressful day at work, or after the kids go to bed, or after you finish up with dinner, be sure to make some time for yourself. Give yourself the time. You deserve it! With love and peace.. XO |
Michelle FalcoMichelle has a BS, E-RYT, YACEP, CHN, CLYL, and Y12SRL. Archives
September 2017